Barb Tonnesen drawing in the yurt studio, (photo by David Hibbard)

Cyntha Hibbard's studio table in the yurt, (photo by David Hibbard)
Howard Shellhammer with his drawings in the yurt studio (photo by Sandy Clark)

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Poets and Painters resources in the yurt studio

Pam York and David Hibbard discussing David's photographs, in the guest house (photo by Judee Humburg)

Alanna Hibbard in the yurt studio (photo by David Hibbard)

Mary Lee McNeal, Cynthia Hibbard, and Betsy Currie talk with Arlene from Green Gulch Farm in the yurt studio (photo by Judee Humburg)

Pamela York and her artwork in the yurt studio (photo by David Hibbard)

Jane Hibbard outside the yurt studio (photo by Judee Humburg)

Welly Fletcher's sketch of David Hibbard reading during a travel workshop

Sandy Clark and Leslie Parent draw still life in the yurt studio (photo by Judee Humburg)

Marguerite Fletcher drawing at Green Gulch Farm (photo by Judee Humburg)

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Conversations in the Yurt

Barbara Tonnesen in the yurt studio