Steven Clark, Hike over Green Gulch, Watercolor and Gouache, 8”H x 10”W
Steven Clark, Lysefjord, Ink, 8”H x 10”W
Steven Clark, Sentinel 1, Green Gulch Farm, Pastel, 9”H x 6”W
Steven Clark, Sentinel 2, Green Gulch Farm, Pastel, 13” x 10”W
This is one of a series of videos made in collaboration with Lem Jay Ignacio. We made 10 videos in one day, each recording a square, then passing the videos back and forth, adding to them.
Below are two pieces I made just after our sojourn together in Green Gulch, which were inspired by the immersion in Zen I experienced there.
The words to this are the oldest known Buddhist text, the Heart Sutra:
This one was an experiment in surround sound, but this is a stereo version: